Escape Student Loan Default
Get your loans out of default in days — not months. No one is faster.

One simple fee—guaranteed.
Pay one fee, one time and we guarantee to get you out of default or your money back.
30 day terms & conditions
- Fee has to be paid in full.
- Your loans must be eligible for consolidation.
- All supporting documents must be submitted.
- Consolidation application must be completed.
- You must remain available for contact (within 24 hours).
- Discharge evaluation.
- Fast-tracking your student loans out of default.
- Enrollment in a Student Loan Forgiveness Plan.
- Processing all necessary documents.
- Employment certification for PSLF* (for public service workers only)

We plan to set you free of student loan default.
Our proven method is designed to move you out of default and into loan forgiveness in the shortest time possible. We guide you every step of the way.

[ 1 ] Gather your loan details.
The first step is to determine exactly who you owe and how much. Don't let this step scare you. We understand default has thrown your loans in chaos. Don't worry. We will help you gather the information.

[ 2 ] Try to make loans disappear.
This is an important step. Certain conditions can allow you to discharge (as in erase) some or all of your student loan debt. We have expertise in discharge and will review your options. If opportunities exist we will help you take advantage of them.

[ 3 ] Plan for forgiveness.
Student loan forgiveness has the potential to repay some (or all) of your federal debt. To ensure best results we examine your options before making any changes to your student loans.

[ 4 ] Fast track a direct loan consolidation.
Days matter if you are trying to close on your dream home, return to school, receive an income tax return, or avoid wage garnishment. We used our expertise to create a unique process designed to get you through a Direct Loan Consolidation in the shortest time possible. Our current record is ten days.

[ 5 ] Set up loan student forgiveness.
Typically, student loan forgiveness is a process — it’s not instant. Plans and programs must be correctly setup and maintained until requirements are met. We make sure you are taking advantage of your best forgiveness options — including student loan forgiveness for public service workers (PSLF).

[ 6 ] Connect to your new loan servicer.
When your loans are in default your servicer is a collection company. Once consolidated you will be given a second chance to do it right. You will have a new loan servicer. We help you create an account at the correct portal to help insure you do not return to default again.

Take advantage of every opportunity.
When your student loans are in default, you miss out on many opportunities from financial aid to housing loans to hard earned wages. The sooner your loans are fixed, the sooner you’ll be able to capitalize on these opportunities.

Protect Your Refund
Behind on your student loan payments? There is a good chance that the IRS is waiting to intercept your tax refund — it’s called an “offset”. We can help you fix the problem before you file.

Restore Financial Aid
Ready to return to school but denied financial aid? You need a “Default Clearance Letter”. We can get you one a few days after fixing your defaulted loans.

Prevent Garnishment
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." This is especially true when it comes to wage garnishment. It can be very difficult (and sometimes impossible) to remove a wage garnishment once it starts. Best to fix the problem before it happens.

Buy a House
Denied an FHA Loan because of defaulted student loans? That means you are on the CAIVRS list. To solve the problem you need a “Loan Verification Letter” to give to your lender. We can get you one pronto.

Start on PSLF
If you work in public service then you should be correctly setup for the best student loan forgiveness program on the planet — PSLF. We can do that. The first step will be to get your loans out of default.

Stop Collection Calls
When you go into default your new loan servicer is a collection company. It’s their job to not leave you alone until you do something about your defaulted student loans. Take action today!
Meet our extremely happy clients.

Join us on the journey.
Udeany (pronounced “u-dean-e”) all began with a trip out West in 2013, when founder, Alton Criswell,received professional training in student loan forgiveness, consolidation, and income driven repayment plans. And so began the process of helping distressed borrowers find relief.
ALTON CRISWELL is the founder and President of Udeany. He is a certified Financial Counseling Professional and a veritable Default Specialist. He has expertise in student loan consolidation, repayment, and forgiveness. Specializing in default resolution and the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF). His interests include reading, running, copywriting, fishing, and helping people escape their debt.

To help decrease rates of federal student loan default while increasing rates of repayment, discharge, and forgiveness.
To help distressed borrowers escape federal student loan default with haste, by all means, and for good!
We believe most problems come from a lack of honest communication. Realistic expectations need to be set from the beginning to prevent misunderstanding and to create a foundation for a great relationship.
Default closes a lot of doors. People seek our service because they need it fixed in the shortest time possible. We work hard to remain diligent until the problem is solved.
There is more than one way to solve defaulted student loans. We find the fastest path out of default — not just the one most convenient for us.

We're on your side.
Udeany is not a collection company, loan servicer, or in any way affiliated with the government. We work for you. Let’s get started..
Common Questions
Our average time to complete a consolidation is 21 days from completed application.
Special circumstances like: wage garnishment, loan rehabilitation, and loan discharge can take substantially longer.
Absolutely. You get out of default and into a loan forgiveness plan or you get all of your money back.
No. Student loans can be discharged, forgiven, and even consolidated without a credit check. Score does not matter.
Yes. In order to restore financial aid you will need a “Default Clearance Letter”. We will closely monitor the status of your consolidation. Once it’s complete we will contact Debt Management and Collections Systems to get your letter. We will then fax it to you and/or the school of your choice.
Note: If you have lost eligibility for federal financial aid due to “over-borrowing” then you will also need to compete a “Reaffirmation Agreement”.
Unfortunately, at this time, we do not accept active wage garnishment. Please see How to Escape Wage Garnishment Caused by Student Loans for more information.
Note: Exceptions are made if your wage garnishment is through American Education Services (AES) or Philadelphia Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA).
Not if we can avoid it. The Udeany process was created to help borrowers quickly escape their defaulted student loans. Finishing a loan rehabilitation program requires making nine one-time payments. Hardly the essence of speed.
Sometimes, loan rehabilitation is unavoidable. When this situation arises, we will contact the collection company to determine the best course of action to help you qualify for the lowest payment. We will then prepare and submit all documents.
Yes. We will closely monitor the status of your consolidation. Once it’s complete notice will be sent to the Treasury Department. This will remove the debt and prevent the offset. We will check daily and let you know when you are clear to file.
Note: If you owe money to the IRS (e.g. Back Taxes) or to any US State (e.g. Child Support) your income taxes could still be intercepted.
Maybe. When you default on a federal student loan you get placed on the CAIVRS List to prevent you from acquiring other federal loans. Once your loans are consolidated you will need a “Loan Verification Letter” to give to your lender in order to process your application. They will then determine your eligibility based upon their lending requirements.
A loan servicing company is essentially a bill collector. They work with the borrower (you), but for the lender (Typically, the DOE). Student loan forgiveness, consolidation, and discharge can be very time consuming. They provide help in these areas when prompted, but — quite understandably — their top priority is processing payments.
For those that qualify, a Direct Consolidation Loan has the power to combine one or more federal education loans into one new loan. This can even include defaulted student loans (cue heavenly music). That’s why consolidation is our preferred method for fixing the problem. It’s exactly what we do — unless there’s something better.
Udeany is unique for four primary reasons:
- We specialize in student loan default.
- We emphasize on speed.
- We evaluate all options including discharge and forgiveness.
- We take steps to help our clients avoid returning to default.